Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Linguistic examples of hypercorrection Annotated Bibliography

Linguistic examples of hypercorrection - Annotated Bibliography Example This essay discusses that another website is Interesting Thing of the Day. This website provides different articles covering different subjects. The principal writers who write for the site are Joe Kissell and Morgen Jahnke besides the guest columnists. The publication of the articles is by the alt concept. This site has been working for the benefits of the public since April 2003.This site is also much related to the topic under discussion. On this site, there is an article by Joe Kissell, which defines hypercorrection as a mistake that occurs when one becomes conscious of avoiding a mistake. In order to define hypercorrection in detail, the writer divides the article under different titles. A clear example of hypercorrection is given under the title linguistic overcompensation. If one uses the word whom instead who, hypercorrection occurs. For instance, when somebody says I have to meet my friend who is going abroad instead of I have to meet my friend who is going abroad.I like Wis egeek because it is much related to my topic. Further, the site is easy to use. WiseGeek is an effective site in demonstrating the concept of hypercorrection because it defines what hypercorrection is and it also tells how and why hypercorrection occurs and gives distinctive examples of hypercorrection.I like the second website because the definition is vivid and the given examples of hypercorrection are quite influencing and comprehensive besides giving the reasons and types of hypercorrection. It is also easy to use.

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